New Data, New Methods, New Models for Monetary Policy

30 October 2020
Event type: SAMNet Workshop
JEL Code: C5, E62, E63
Event date: 24 November 2020 at 5:00pm
to 26 November 2020 at 7:00pm
Location: Zoom

The South African Macroeconomic Network 1st Annual Workshop will explores innovations in data, modelling and forecasting tools for Central Banking in emerging countries. Themes of the workshop

  • Micro data for forecasting and policy analysis
  • Fiscal and monetary policy interaction: modelling and analysis
  • Capital flows and foreign exchange intervention
  • Identifying monetary policy transmission
  • Identifying underlying long term trends


The workshop will be a combination of technical presentation and roundtable discussions between academics and policymakers. South African researchers are invited to submit contributions and papers related to the theme for the organizing panel to consider. The deadline for paper submission was the 5th of November 2020. Please email if you would like to receive the link for participation to the workshop and for paper submission.



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